Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Aftermath

Now that Monica and I have had our very first threesome we are able to step back and look at how it went and how it has affected our relationship.  That was the biggest concern, of course, as this is new for us.  We have been talking about and intending to start adding outsiders to our sexual relationship for years and have been quite confident that we would know what we were comfortable with and not do anything that would have negative ramifications to our relationship with each other.  But an important part of that is moving slowly and gauging the effects as they happen.  We are being extremely careful.

We have been discussing our first threesome for days now and, consistently, the answer keeps coming back that we absolutely loved doing it, found it amazingly erotic and feel absolutely no weirdness or jealousy from it. In fact, our marriage feels even stronger now and our relationship with each other is doing even better than before which was pretty awesome as it was.  Not only do we feel closer to each other after having had a threesome but our own sex life, the one just between the two of us, has really gotten a boost.  We are now having sex once (or more) per day which is truly something.  Traditionally we were struggling to find the time and effort to do it once a week.  Now we are on each other like rabbits.  It is wonderful.

So the verdict is: FMF threesome was extremely positive both physically and emotionally both within the framework of the threesome and within our marriage.  Yay!

We've spoken to Darla, the unicorn who joined us, and she says that she really did have a wonderful time and is very glad that she did it and totally wants to do it again.  So it sounds like positive reviews all around.  Her actually joining us again will be the real test to see if she was just being polite or not but I am pretty confident that she is sincere.

We are now ready to move on to either another FMF or very likely an MFM.

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