Monday, July 2, 2012

Catching Up, Getting Comfortable

Wow, we have been terrible about keeping the blog up to date.  Since our last updates we have been playing rather extensively and traveling extensively too (no connection between the two) and keeping the site updated just fell to the wayside. At least one or two of our "real life" readers commented on the lack of updates so I am attempting to rectify that, even if only to a slight degree.  Party why we fell behind is because Monica had updates to provide and I felt that she needed to write those before I wrote stuff that happened later and then, once we had fallen behind... well... it just snowballs on you.

I'll do my best to coax Monica into filling in more of the details of her escapades.  As expected, she has had many more than I have but we have both been having a very good time.  We have hit a sort of rhythm of regular playing at this point with mostly regular people.  While hitting a "rhythm" might sound not so exciting, and certainly makes writing updates a little more difficult, it is anything but pedestrian.

Much like sex with a new partner - where at first it is hot because it is new and later it is hot because it is good because you have learned how to please each other - sex with others seems to have a similar pattern.  There is a partner by partner pattern of getting better at being with each other as habits vary pretty widely between "players".  One wants to kiss, one doesn't.  One is wham bam and out of there, another wants to stay and hang out.  Some want condoms, some don't.  Learning who is who and how they operate and what makes them comfortable and not moves you from "nervous and new" to "comfortable and experienced."  New is good, comfortable is generally better. The advantage of this lifestyle is that you need not sacrifice new for experience.  We get to have both.

Beyond the partner by partner pattern there is a more general pattern of becoming comfortable in the lifestyle.  Meeting new people becomes less and less scary and awkward and soon you settle into a "this is who we are when having sex with other people."  You know who you are and how you behave.  You get an idea of what to expect from other people.  As you become more comfortable they become more comfortable.  Soon you move from "playing in the lifestyle" being new and scary to it being comfortable and you get better at it.  We are already into that stage.  And it is much better.

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